P. 47

As seen in Figure 7, the MBC Grants Dataset was composed predominantly of basic research
            grants (69%), 24% represented translational research, and vastly smaller percentages were grants
            for clinical research (6%) and cancer control research (1%). These percentages did not vary
            substantially across the time studied.

            Only 41 grants in the MBC Grants Dataset were related to MBC   Figure 7: Stages of Research in the MBC
            survivorship and outcomes research (includes projects both    Research Grants from 2000–2013
            wholly and partly related to survivorship and outcomes
            research). A review of these grants revealed that they are   100%                CANCER CONTROL: 1-2%
            focused on bone pain, behavioral–psychological factors, and
            treatment side effects relevant to MBC.                              CLINICAL           5-9%
                                                                                              6% avg.
            Information on the molecular targets, cellular pathways, and
            therapies being studied was also extracted and captured       TRANSLATIONAL          22-26%
            from the MBC Grants Dataset. As Appendix 3 shows, a wide                           24% avg.
            range of molecular targets are being pursued (estimated at
            >200).The most common targets in those projects with a
            clinical focus are ErbB/HER, vascular endothelial growth factor
            (VEGF) pathway family, bone/osteolysis pathways, hormone
            receptors, and immune system (general).                                 BASIC           66-72%
                                                                                               69% avg.


                                                                     2000 – 2013

   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52