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advanced breast cancer   includes both metastatic breast cancer and locally advanced breast cancer
                                      (stage III) and locally recurrent breast cancer
            Akt                      a serine/threonine-specific protein kinase
            BRCA mutation            mutation in the tumor-suppressor gene BRCA1 or BRCA2,
                                      associated with hereditary breast cancer
            CSO                      Common Scientific Outline (
            de novo MBC              breast cancer that is metastatic at the time of first diagnosis

            ER–                      estrogen receptor negative/hormone insensitive breast cancer
            ER+                      estrogen receptor positive/hormone sensitive breast cancer
            ErbB                     epidermal growth factor receptor (protein family)
            gHRAsp                   Grants in the Health Research Alliance Shared Portfolio (,
            HCPs                     HCPs
            HER2                     human epidermal growth factor receptor 2
            hormone-sensitive MBC    MBC where tumor growth is promoted by estrogen and/or progesterone
            HRA                      Health Research Alliance
            ICRP                     International Cancer Research Partnership

            incidence                Rate of occurrence of new cases in the population (measure risk of
                                      developing a disease)
            IOM                      Institute of Medicine
            KOL                      key opinion leader
            MBC                      metastatic breast cancer
            MBC Alliance             Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance (also called the Alliance)

            mTOR                     mechanistic target of rapamycin (serine/threonine protein kinase)
            NCI                      National Cancer Institute
            PDQ                      Physician Data Query
            PI3K                     phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase
            prevalence               proportion of cases in the population (measures how widespread the disease is)
            RECIST                   Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors
            SEER                     Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results program of the
                                      National Cancer Institute (NCI)
            stage IV breast cancer   another term for metastatic breast cancer
            TBCRC                    Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium
            TN MBC                   triple-negative (hormone insensitive and HER2-negative) metastatic breast cancer
            TNBC                     triple-negative (hormone insensitive) breast cancer
            US                       United States

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