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The MBC Alliance

            Many patient advocate groups have been working to change the landscape of MBC. In 2012,
            representatives of breast cancer organizations joined with MBC patient advocates to discuss
            ways to change the persistent lack of understanding about MBC and how organizations could
            work together to provide better information and support services to people living with MBC.
            All agreed that more could be achieved through working together than could be achieved by
            working alone. Assistance for these early steps was provided by Celgene Corporation.

            On October 13, 2013 (National Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day), the MBC Alliance of
            16 nonprofits and 5 pharmaceutical corporations was launched. Over the past year, the Alliance
            has experienced growth in its membership as new advocates and industry partners realized the
            Alliance’s potential to create positive change and impact individual lives. Currently, there are 29
            member organizations.

            Recognizing the valuable current and future contributions of each member to the MBC field,
            the Alliance is committed in its approach not to duplicate efforts of its members. Collaboration
            and learning from others is vital if the Alliance is to have real impact in improving the lives of
            people living with MBC.

            Landscape Analysis of MBC

            As its first initiative, the Alliance undertook a landscape analysis to assess gaps, duplication,
            and opportunities in MBC research, patient information and support services, and public
            awareness to capitalize on identified opportunities, and identify the ways Alliance members   5  Areas of MBC
            could work together to meet the unique needs of those living with MBC.                  investigation:

                                                                                           Scientific Research
            Aspects of the MBC landscape examined by advocates and experts with knowledge and   Quality of Life
            experience specific to the area of investigation were:                         Information and Support
                1.   Scientific research, including clinical trials, focused on MBC        Epidemiology
                2.   Quality of life of MBC patients and their families and caregivers     Challenges
                3.   Information and support services provided by MBC Alliance members     Public Awareness.
                4.  Epidemiology of MBC: Challenges with population-based statistics
                5.   Public awareness of MBC.

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