Current Projects

Support ongoing projects through advocacy, networking, and more.

Advocacy Slide Decks Refresh

The Metastatic Breast Cancer Advocacy Slide Decks Project is a series of slide decks that can be used by Alliance Patient/Advocates and others when they are asked to present at events to increase understanding of the disease, knowledge of the treatments for MBC, and the challenges faced by people living with the disease. The decks are currently being reviewed and updated with the latest available information as of June 2024.

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Black Wo(Men) Speak

BWS: Start Where We Live is a 4-part Speaker Series to be held quarterly  amplifying the efforts and voice of patient-led Alliance member initiatives focused on Black communities.

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Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis Initiative

BCBM Initiative: The Marina Kaplan Project is a patient-led initiative that aims to accelerate urgently-needed research on breast cancer brain metastasis through increased funding and influencing key stakeholders.

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Changing the Conversation on Palliative Care

This quarterly speaker series shines a spotlight and provides education for caregivers and those living with MBC on the questions and challenges around accessing and understanding palliative care.


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Landscape Analysis Update II

As in the original analysis, the Research Grant Analysis in 2021 and subsequent years will help to identify gaps in research and opportunities for future Alliance resource allocation and provide insight into new drug targets or potential targets poised for development and clinical translation that may further inform Alliance priorities or activities.

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Past Projects

Explore completed projects that guided our work and supported MBC patients.


The #MetastaticSayIt Social Media Campaign educated the public on the impacts of metastatic breast cancer – a disease that’s hard to pronounce, but takes too many lives. Make a video and share it online to help raise awareness.


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The BECOME Research Project aims to better represent Black people in cancer research by increasing access to clinical trials for MBC.

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Help Keep Me in the Picture

The Help Keep Me In the Picture Campaign raised awareness and support for people living with MBC through stats and stories, and by a petition to Congress to advance research. Explore and share these impactful stories

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Here All Year

Each month, our Here All Year campaign explored a new topic around metastatic breast cancer—from myth and stigma busters, to new research and strategies for improving outcomes. Want to help make a difference for people living with MBC, all year long? Dig deeper into the research, explore the available resources and share them on your social and email channels.

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Landscape Analysis

Upon our founding in 2013, one of the Alliance’s first tasks was a comprehensive analysis of the state of metastatic breast cancer research, clinical trials, quality of life, patient needs, and available information and services. Findings were released in a landscape report in October 2014, Changing the Landscape for People Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer, which identified opportunities to close gaps for people living with MBC. The report helped the Alliance choose areas of focus that continue to guide its work today.

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Landscape Analysis Update I

The MBCA has completed work to update this section of Chapter 2 of the Landscape Analysis, report the current landscape of MBC research, and gather knowledge that informed the 5-year MBCA strategic plan.

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