Triage Cancer is a national, nonprofit organization that provides education on the practical and legal issues that may impact individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers, through free events, materials, and resources. Triage Cancer offers free educational resources including our Quick Guides and Checklists, animated videos, charts of state laws, and an educational blog that provides actionable information on topics such as health insurance, employment issues, finances, and more. Cancer Finances, hosted by Triage Cancer, offers a toolkit for individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers to understanding how cancer impacts their finances and connects them to financial assistance resources.



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Financial ResourcesSupport & CounselingIn-Person Support

Legal & Financial Navigation Program

Triage Cancer provides patients, caregivers, and health care professionals with free one-on-one help in the areas of health insurance, disability insurance, employment, finances, medical decision-making, estate planning, and more. We are trained to help you find your way – or navigate – through the legal, financial, and practical barriers that you face as you access care.

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Financial Resources

Cancer Finances is a toolkit that provides practical information on topics that can impact your finances. It is designed to guide you to the information that is most relevant to your situation and connect you to financial assistance resources.

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Education & AwarenessWebinars

Triage Cancer Webinar Series

Triage Cancer offers free, educational webinars on practical and legal cancer survivorship issues that impact people beyond diagnosis: navigating finances after a cancer diagnosis, health insurance, disability insurance, and more. All webinars are open to the general public, including individuals diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, advocates, and health care professionals.

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Education & AwarenessConferences & Workshops

Triage Cancer Conferences

Triage Cancer offers a series of FREE educational conferences for individuals diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, advocates, and oncology healthcare professionals. This event covers key information needed to help navigate practical issues, minimize the financial burden of a cancer diagnosis, and reduce stress.

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CaregiversEducation & AwarenessResources & Information

Cancer Rights Guides

"Cancer Rights" is a guide to the legal and practical issues that may affect individuals who are diagnosed with cancer, their caregivers, and the professionals who treat them. This guide is meant to serve as an introduction to some of the cancer rights law topics that most people have to deal with in some way after a cancer diagnosis: employment, insurance, and finances.

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Education & AwarenessClinical Trials

Clinical Trials Education

A clinical trial is a research study that “prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes.” Practically speaking, they are research studies that find and test new treatments or procedures. Without clinical trials, we would not have the medical and scientific advances that we have today.

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