Joan Mancuso was diagnosed with stage 2 HER2-positive/HR-negative breast cancer in 2003 and received a metastatic diagnosis in 2007. For over a decade, she has been involved in numerous breast cancer advocacy projects. Joan serves as an advocate in the National Cancer Institute. She is also a Susan G. Komen Advocate in Science, which includes supporting scientists in preparing grants for potential funding. Joan is a member of the brain metastasis subcommittee of the Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance as well as a member of the planning committee for the advocate program of the Metastatic Breast Cancer Research Conference. She is a member of ASCO and volunteers for the Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry. Joan is a GRASP mentor and an advocate adviser for Friends of Cancer Research as well as a member and volunteer for the Metastasis Research Society. She is a consumer review for the DoD Breast Cancer Research Program and has reviewed 49 grants. Joan also reviews scientific grant proposals and clinical trial protocols at major cancer centers. She is also a former advocate with University of Pennsylvania at the Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium, which conducts phase II clinical trials.
Metastatic Breast Cancer Research Conference
Annual research conference focused on MBC. The mission of this research conference is to bring together a diverse audience to create a collaborative research environment with a long term goal of developing curative approaches for metastatic breast cancer patients
Link to programGRASP - Guiding Researchers & Advocates to Scientific Partnerships
GRASP empowers empower patients and researchers to exchange ideas and learn from each other. When patient advocates can inform the research process, we can drive more meaningful and fundable research that improves survival outcomes for breast cancer patients.
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