Sex, Menopause and Breast Cancer

We hope you’ll join us for Soul-filling Our Sisters (SOS)™ Saturdays this month for some real talk about sex! We’ll discuss navigating sexual health after menopause or during a breast cancer journey and teach you pelvic floor strengthening exercises. We understand that sexual health can be a sensitive topic, especially after menopause or breast cancer, […]

Ask Your MBC Questions: Diagnostics and Treatment

Join us for the first “Ask Your Questions” event of 2023 on May 25 at 2 p.m. EST/1 p.m. CST. where we will first hear about updates and advances in diagnostics and treatment. Dr. Susan Domchek and Dr. David Mankoff from Penn Medicine will also answer your questions. Register here!


MBC and Sexual Health

Join us on June 16 at 3:30 p.m. EDT/2:30 p.m. CDT to learn more and ask your questions about sexual health while living with MBC from Dr. Don Dizon, Director of the Pelvic Malignancies Program at Lifespan Cancer Institute. Register here!


Patient Self Advocacy

Join us on July 19 at 2 p.m. EDT/1 p.m. CDT to learn more about how to be your own advocate. Our speaker, Komen patient navigator Toni Lee, will share information on what to ask your doctors, shared decision-making support and how to speak to family members. Register here!


MBC and Public Policy


Join us on Aug. 16 at 2 p.m. EDT/1 p.m. CDT to hear from Molly Guthrie, Komen’s Vice President of Policy and Advocacy, on our current and future initiatives, how to get involved and to ask your questions. Register Here!


Navigating Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Panel Discussion


Komen’s Patient Navigation Training Program will be hosting a virtual Panel Discussion on Equitably Navigating Patients with MBC. The program focuses on providing tools, resources and strategies for professional patient navigators to utilize while navigating patients. In this panel discussion, we will explore solutions to barriers that arise when providing high-quality care to patients facing […]


MBC and Sexual Health


Join us on Sept. 6 at 2 p.m. EDT/1 p.m. CDT to learn more and ask your questions about sexual health while living with MBC from Dr. Don Dizon, Director of the Pelvic Malignancies Program at Lifespan Cancer Institute. Register here!


Ask Your Questions: End-of-Life Planning for MBC


Join us on Sept. 11 at 2 p.m. EDT/1 p.m. CDT for a difficult but necessary topic. We will have presentations from estate planning attorney Tzviah Mayman, Esq., and Shelly Rosenfeld, Esq., Cancer Legal Resource Center Director, followed by answering your questions live. Register here!


Research and Health Equity


Join us on Oct. 13 at 2 p.m. EST/1 p.m. CST for an event with Dr. Melissa Bondy, ShareForCures Chief Scientist, and Jerome Jourquin, Komen Sr. Director of Data Science, focused on how Komen is addressing health equity in research. Register here!


Brain Metastases


Join us on Nov. 16 at 2 p.m. EST/1 p.m. CST for an event with Dr. Jose Pablo Leone from Harvard University for an overview of brain metastases and potential treatments. Register here!  


Ask Your Quality of Life Questions to those LIVING with MBC


Join us on Dec. 12 at 2 p.m. EST/1 p.m. CST to ask your questions to Pam Kohl and Ashley Fernandez, both currently living with MBC. Hear their stories and what they have learned since their diagnosis to improve and support their quality of life. Register here!


Research Updates on ER+ MBC


Join us for the first event of 2024! We will hear from Dr. Pedram Razavi from Memorial Sloan Kettering on his research and experiences as a clinician. Register here!
