Research and Health Equity


Join us on Oct. 13 at 2 p.m. EST/1 p.m. CST for an event with Dr. Melissa Bondy, ShareForCures Chief Scientist, and Jerome Jourquin, Komen Sr. Director of Data Science, focused on how Komen is addressing health equity in research. Register here!


Brain Metastases


Join us on Nov. 16 at 2 p.m. EST/1 p.m. CST for an event with Dr. Jose Pablo Leone from Harvard University for an overview of brain metastases and potential treatments. Register here!  


Ask Your Quality of Life Questions to those LIVING with MBC


Join us on Dec. 12 at 2 p.m. EST/1 p.m. CST to ask your questions to Pam Kohl and Ashley Fernandez, both currently living with MBC. Hear their stories and what they have learned since their diagnosis to improve and support their quality of life. Register here!


Research Updates on ER+ MBC


Join us for the first event of 2024! We will hear from Dr. Pedram Razavi from Memorial Sloan Kettering on his research and experiences as a clinician. Register here!


Triage Cancer Managing Medical Bills & Getting Financial Help Webinar


Learn practical steps to manage medical bills, including how to negotiate your bills and set up payment plans. Dollar For will also join us to explain charity care and how you can qualify for financial help from your hospital. We'll also cover useful tips and resources when looking for financial help.


Let’s Talk About Sex and Breast Cancer: Desire, Comfort, and Body Image


Many people struggle with intimacy during and after breast cancer treatment, but not everyone knows what to expect or how to manage these issues. Let's change that by talking openly about sexual health. Submit your questions for the experts when you register for our upcoming webinar. Everyone who signs up will receive a recording of the event. Register HERE!

MBC and Triple Negative Breast Cancer


Join us to hear from Dr. Justin Balko from Vanderbilt University Medical Center on his research on triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) and immunotherapy. He will talk about the benefits and risks of immunotherapy and how his lab is advancing precision medicine through immunotherapy biomarkers. Register here!


Dealing with MBC Day to Day


Join us for our first Ask Your Questions to those LIVING with MBC of 2024. Julia Hughes, Missy VanLokeren, and Mayra Rivera, all living with this diagnosis, will talk and answer your questions on managing common side effects, what keeps them motivated, and how they navigate this new normal. Register here!


Improving Access to Fertility Preservation


Join Triage Cancer, the Alliance for Fertility Preservation, Teen Cancer America, and Elephants & Tea to learn about state laws that provide access to fertility preservation, what to do if your insurance denies coverage, other ways to improve access, and current legislative advocacy opportunities.


Metastatic Inflammatory Breast Cancer


Join us to hear about the latest treatments and research on inflammatory breast cancer from Dr. Wendy Woodward from MD Anderson. Register here!


Estate Planning


Estate planning can be overwhelming and can often bring up topics that are difficult to discuss. However, being prepared can also bring a sense of comfort. This webinar will cover the various documents that can make up an estate plan, things to consider as you begin the process of creating your plan and options available […]


Metastatic Lobular Breast Cancer


Join us for a fascinating presentation from Dr. Steffi Oesterreich from University of Pittsburg on her lobular breast cancer work. Register here!
